venerdì 4 ottobre 2013

What it is expected from you in the L&S class

1. Attending the class (being in the class, participating to the activities, being informed regarding the schedule and the blog that will be always updated)

2. Writing 1 memo each week; 10 memos are due at the end of the course.

(Consider that the course is made of 24 units, 2 units each week, 12 weeks. Given that one week has been reserved for the introduction and that another (probably) wouldn’t require readings, there are 20 units in which there are required readings. For half of them you are required to write a memo).

Memos are not graded but must be posted on due time (see the post “What is a memo”). For each memo not posted on time you will get 1 point less in the final grade. For each memo missed you will get 2 points less in the final grade.

3. Writing a final paper. Your grade will be based on this final paper. Details on how to write the final paper will be available soon. 

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