giovedì 3 ottobre 2013

Content of the course

Content of the course, week by week, day by day

1.       Introduction
2.       Two models for communication (Winkin)

3.       Two examples (Temporal organization of the activities):
making music together (Schutz, Halbwacks), walking together (Ryave & Schenkhein, Gilbert)
4.       The constitution of the perceptual world (Gestalt Theory): Wertheimer, Gurwitsch, Merleau-Ponty

5.       Group: Ash, Milgram, military (King, Goldworthy)
6.       Self: Mead, Goffman, Blumer

7.       Frame Analysis: Bateson, Schutz, Goffman
8.       Interaction order: Goffman

9.       Ritual and symbolism: Durkheim, Schutz
10.   Institutional order (speech acts): Austin, Searle, Sbisà

11.   Action, activities, intentionality: Searle, Dreyfus
12.   Emotions: Goffman, Mauss,

13.   Senses: Simmel, Watson, Rotter
14.   Meaning and interpretation: Mead, Malinowski, Geertz, Gadamer

15.   Filogenesis, ontogenesis: Tomasello, Clark, Levinson
16.   Animals: Sumpter, Goode, Strum & Latour, Clever Hans, Pavlov (yawning)

17.   Fields and worlds: Park, Blumer, Becker
18.   Linguistics and Sociolinguistics (context): Saussure, Hymes,

19.   Ethno-methodology: Garfinkel, Liberman, Livingston, Bjelic,
20.   Talking together (conversation analysis): Sacks, Schegloff

21.   Transcription 1, Theory: Duranti,
22. Transcription 2, Practice:   

23.   Workplace studies: Goodwin, Heath
24.   Institutional interaction:

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