domenica 6 ottobre 2013

Unit 2 - October 3rd

Winkin, Y. (2001). Anthropologie de la communication: de la théorie au terrain. Paris : Seuil.

La Nouvelle Communication - Yves Winkin

Two ways of representing the idea of communication

the basic mechanism is transformation of ideas (internal ) into words (external )
the words , to the other side of the "string ", again become "thoughts"
model " encoding - decoding " : communication starts “inside” an individual and ends “inside” another individual
" individualist " conception: (a ) each individual is a separate and independent unit, which is related to another individual as a separate and autonomous unit; (b) each individual is composed of "body" and "soul" , where the body is the container of the soul
communication is used to fill the gap and the space that exists between individual and individual
language as the only means of communication, which in turn is an instrument for the transmission of thoughts.

communication is a social activity , something different from the inter-individual transmission of something
communication rests on a matrix of symbols and meanings , codes, rules , which are those of the culture
it is culture that makes possible the regularity and the predictability of communication exchanges and the relations between members of the same culture
culture does not depend on individuals , but it is what allows an individual to fit into a continuous, perpetual, " immortal " flow ( Garfinkel )

communication is an essentially verbal , oral or written
the protagonists of this process are mouth and ears, or hands and eyes
certain activities of the body (reflexes, instincts, emotions , etc.) produce " noise" that can disrupt the good result of the transmission process

"participating to communication" happens in different modalities, verbal or “non-verbal” (caution!!)
informative or " denotative " communication is just an extreme case of specific and limited communication
most of the times the communicative activities are activities of control , integration , in which redundancy and repetition play an important role
what matters for a researcher is not so much the analysis of the content of the information, as the context and the meaning of communication
the meaning is not fixed once and for all, is not something unique and established as in a dictionary

communication is rational and voluntary (if it is not intentional or unconscious is not communication)
is the activity of man par excellence (not of animals)
one is interested in “non-verbal” communication when there is some kind of explicit convention for the use of signs , as in the language of the deaf
communication is the product of (and it is established by) the intentionality of the person - emitter

the intention of the actor is not a requirement of the communication
in social interaction intentionality could be one of the many " variables " of communication
the intention can be recognized , denied, negotiated , passed over in silence, could be absent, and so on.

communication , as a conscious and voluntary act , may be subject to normative judgment (aesthetic and ethical )
communication may succeed or fail, be good or bad , normal or pathological , effective or ineffective
can be taught , corrected , prescribed , and so on

The criteria that a social group uses to establish the correctness of certain behaviors that are considered possible acceptable rational appropriate (etc.) communicative activities in a society constitute an object of analysis ( not a resource )

communication can be considered as a series of linear sequences that go by the emitter and end at the receiver, and then again by the receiver to the emitter, which now becomes the receiver
the receipt of a message causes the emission of a second message (according to the stimulus-response model, action-reaction)

the most appropriate model for the representation of communication seems to be the " system " in which there is mutual , often simultaneous and overlapping " availability " and " accessibility"
the stimulus-response model (or action and reaction) is replaced by a substantially circular transaction (confirmation or disconfirmation)
very important is the temporal aspect of communication, but as “sharing the same time”

as in a laboratory , the researcher can observe or produce under the microscope communication sequences
the way we communicate is influenced by well- determined "variables"
the researcher is located out of the system or attempts to neutralize the effects of its presence on the system
communication studies are based on statistical methods of aggregating individual information

the researcher is a necessary part of the system that he/she studies
the resources that he/she uses for the analysis are the same resources used to communicate by the people he/she studies
it may be useful to keep distance from the social system under scrutiny, especially if we want to know in depth about (through concrete experience) the resources that are used to communicate – often without knowing it, as a matter of fact, taken-for-granted
but at the same time it is important to be in the system to be able to grasp the competent technical aspects which otherwise are understandable only in general terms

The best image to represent this model is the telegram, the telegraph, email:
1. A decides to send a message to B;
2. The message is encoded, sent, received, decoded, understood or not understood;
3. B can then in turn send a message to A, following the same path;
4. etc..
the act of communication is: verbal, intentional, linear, limited in time and space
the content of communication is generally denotative, explicit, informative

The best image to represent this model is the orchestra : the members of a culture are involved in communication as the musicians participating in the orchestra
In social life only in a few special cases there is a conductor and a score to follow ( the university lecture is such an exception )
In social life the members of the orchestra typically they conduct each other, they teach each other what to do next
if the researcher tries to transcribe the tune or the "symphony" of social life, then many of the complexities of social relationships are discovered and heard for the first time
… and then even what seemed only noise and annoyance ( an obstacle to the clarity of the transmission of the information) would become meaningful part of the communicative situation

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