venerdì 4 ottobre 2013

Rules & requirements for the class

Language & Society 2013-2014

Attending to the class is not mandatory (there is no role call); in any case it is strongly suggested that you be in the class. Once you have committed to participate in the class then I assume that you will be in the class unless something unexpected or unfortunate happens. Please don’t schedule any activities that would require you to miss the class. If you know you won’t be able to come in a class, please let me know (email message or personal communication).

You are requested to participate in the class not only by bringing your body but also your mind. It means that you are invited to actively engage in activities like asking questions, presenting your ideas, discussing the readings, make empirical observation, advancing evidences, etc. Don’t expect formal lecturing by the professor!

Do the readings by the day on which they are assigned! This point is very important: please do your best to be on time with the reading of the day and your memo! Our class discussions will be based on the readings for that day: you must be knowledgeable of the issues that will be presented each day. And remember to bring the assigned readings to class (even in your laptop) with you every day of the class meeting.

Please come to class prepared. Do the readings before class, think critically about the material, post the memo on time, actively participate in discussions, and be personally invested in learning the most from this academic opportunity. You will be expected to actively participate in an effort to ensure also your classmates understanding of the ideas presented in class and presented in the required readings. You will be teaching to your own classmate what you have learned!

For every class, I recommend you set aside enough time for reading of the texts and writing your memo or reading notes. I recommend that you do the reading as soon as you can before the day it is assigned. Sometimes the readings are demanding and you would need some time to digest and assimilate their “messages”.

You are encouraged to use your laptop while the class is in session, even if random web surfing is disturbing. Notes should be taken. For this to be possible you will need your laptop but remember that also a paper and a pen are sometimes of help

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