martedì 11 febbraio 2014

Your Papers

You can download the final papers that I have received.

Please find also my comments.

All the best to you all - thank you for your interest in my course. I wish you all the best for your future!

Giolo Fele

Staging Death

Death as a rite of passage

Social Influence and Peer Educators Impact

Framing of Disaster Experience

Public Apologies in the TRC Process

The Construction of Media Frames


domenica 8 dicembre 2013

martedì 26 novembre 2013

Unit 19 – December 5th

19 – Conversation Analysis and Workplace Studies

Harvey Sacks, Fall 1964, Lecture 1; Fall 1968, Lecture 3; Spring 1972, Lecture 1

E.A. Schegloff & H. Sacks 1973 Opening up Closings

John Heritage 1984, 'A Change of State Token and Aspects of Its Sequential Placement', in J. Maxwell Atkinson and John Heritage (eds), Structures of Social Action, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press: 299-345.

Charles Goodwin, Professional vision (1994)

Christian Heath 2002 Demonstrative suffering: The Gestural (Re)embodiment of Symptoms

C. Heath, J. Hindmarsh & P. Luff 1999 Interaction in isolation - train driver

Jon Hindmarsh & A. Pilnick 2002 THE TACIT ORDER OF TEAMWORK - anesthesia

Unit 18 - December 3rd

18 - Ethnomethodology

Harold Garfinkel, Studies in Ethnomethodology. Chapter 2, “Studies of the routine grounds of everyday activities"

Harold Garfinkel, Studies in Ethnomethodology. Chapter 3, “Common Sense Knowledge of Social Structures: the Documentary Method of Interpretation in Lay and Professional Fact Finding.”

Harold Garfinkel, Studies in Ethnomethodology. Chapter 5, “Passing and the Managed Achievement of Sex Status in an Intersexed Person.”

Harold Garfinkel, Ethnomethodology's Program. Chapter 6, "Instructions and Instructed Actions"

About Harold Garfinkel:

Sacks, Harvey (1972) ‘Notes on police assessment of moral character’. In: David Sudnow, ed. Studies in social interaction. New York: Free Press: 280-93

David Sudnow, Ways of the Hand, Part I - MIT Press

Michael Lynch 1988 Sacrifice and the transformation of the animal body

Doug Macbeth 2012 Some notes on the play of basketball in its circumstantial detail, and an introduction to their occasion

Ken Liberman, The Phenomenology of Coffee Tasting: Lessons in Practical Objectivity, in: More Studies in Ethnomethodology, SUNY Press 2013

Dusan Bjelic & Michael Lynch (1992). The work of scientific demonstration - Newton and Goethe theories of color